From Lex:
I’m a writer/editor and community builder currently focused on how work is changing, systems change, and all kinds of collaborative problem solving. After spending five years in the nonprofit and entrepreneurial community in Boston, I learned about things like emergence and resilience at The Berkana Institute. I learned how to convene and host meaningful, cross-sector gatherings and conversations with The Art of Hosting community of practice. And since my early days in publishing, I’ve been steeped in lean thinking and practice through my work with The Lean Enterprise Institute. At the core of almost all of my work is the question of how change happens. I live in New York City, appreciate good humor writing, and write the occasional poem.
Since 2013, I’ve been blogging and convening conversations on what’s next for women’s leadership with Take The Lead. I’m excited about FeministsAtWork as it combines two of my favorite things: making things and forwarding the idea that women are people!
From CV:
I’m a scholar, writer, and activist working at the intersection of digital media/business, organizational change, and social change. I’ve defined myself as a feminist since I was in 7th grade (seriously!). Engaging in feminist advocacy in all its forms has been a critical element in my research, teaching, parenting, and envisioning. As a scholar, I’ve studied organizational change and progressive movements inside organizations, loosely organized around labels like diversity& inclusion, organizational democracy, social entrepreneurship, organizational citizenship, culture, and especially authenticity. I’m interested in helping organizations become more generative and more just actors in our communities and our economy.
I’ve been writing about feminism in business and the workplace on my blog, I participate in the NYC-area community of women & tech entrepreneurs as well as in the NYC community of feminists/activists. I’m especially excited to be able to bring these two groups together with FeministsAtWork.