But who wants to spend a whole day at the #WomensMarchOnWashington, or anywhere else, waving a sign saying “Oppression is Depressing“? We need some clever, catchy, expressive slogans for our signs if we want to “make protest signs great again.”
Luckily, groups around the US are rising to that challenge. Our friend Rhea Beddoe and her co-activists at Executive Women For Hillary got together over the weekend to make signs. They pooled their google skills and their creative resources, and put together the list, below, of over 150 great slogans. I added a few of my own, and we’d love to see yours!
As Rhea reminded me, “The best messages (1) Can be seen from far away, (2) Are succinct and pithy, and (3) Draw impact & power by tapping into emotions.”
WMW Slogans & Sign ideas — in a handy, downloadable pdf

“I am stronger than fear.” – Malala Yousafzai
“As for my girls. I’ll raise them to think they breathe fire.” -Jessica Kincaid
“Justice is what love looks like in public.” -Dr. Cornell West
50% of America. 100% nasty.
A woman’s place is in the house and in the senate
If you’re tired of reading stories about violence against women, imagine having to live them
Defender of human rights
Dignity, respect, and justice for all
The Future is Feminist
Diversity. Equality. Unity.
Equality for all
Feminists aren’t anti-men. We’re pro-human.
Feminism is the radical notion that women are people
Girls just want to have FUNdamental human rights
“I am no longer accepting the things I cannot change. I am changing the things I cannot accept.” –Angela Davis
I’ll give you Miss America
I’m a feminist. What’s your superpower?
If you can’t trust me with choice, how can you trust me with a child?
If you cut off my reproductive choice can I cut off yours?
Just try dismissing half the planet
Let’s take up more space
Love is love is love is love is love is love
Love trumps hate
Love = power
March like a girl
Men of quality do not fear equality
My body is not your business
My body my right
My humanity should not be up for debate
“The most violent element in society is ignorance.” –Emma Goldman
Nasty women unite
No human being is illegal
No mothers, no founding fathers
No one is free when others are oppressed
Normalize equality
Not afraid
Nothing trumps justice
Only weak men fear strong women
Our voice is l he future
Ovaries before brovaries
Pussies in formation
Pussy power – it’ll grab ya’
Recognize us? This is your country calling
Open arms. Open minds. Open yours.
Resist fear. Assist love.
Respect everyone. Period.
Respect Existence or Expect Resistance
Rise of the woman = rise of the nation
Sexism is not a side issue
Silence is not an option
Stop saying l’m someone’s sister, mother, daughter: I am someone. That should be enough.
The future is female
The heart has no borders
The power of the people is stronger than the people in power
The rights of the minority should never be subject to the whim of the minority
There’s nothing illegal about being human
This is what an American looks like
Thou shalt not mess with women’s reproductive rights. – Fallopians 4:28
To the Supremes: stop in the name of love
Vaginas brought you into the world. Vaginas will vote you out.
Walls won’t divide us
Wanted: a womb of my own
We are the storm and we will leave light in our wake
We’re all God’s children. SHE told me so.
With liberty and justice for all
Women’s rights are human rights
Women hold up half the sky
Women united are stronger than a country divided
Virtue can only flourish among equals
Hear our voice
Our voice is our future
America’s Promise = EQUALITY for ALL
Lead U.S. to PEACE
Hope not Hate
Dreamers WELCOME
A MACHINE stole your job!
She got more VOTES!!!
Spread tolerance: it’s the American WAY!
No PERSON is illegal
I’ve been to the 50’s and it SUCKED
Not Your Enemy: Not Your Victim – Maya Angelou
Protect our Dreamers
Hope not HATE
Not how I expected to lose the Cold War
Resist + Protect: Medicare, Social Security, EPA, USA
Love America? Save the EPA
Love clean air? Save the EPA
Love clean water? Save the EPA
Our democracy was hacked
ICE has no agenda, it just melts
This is not a good sign
The FOXES are guarding the henhouse
Stop Tillerson
Big Oil=Big Pollution
Trump won=America lost
American Horror Story
In diversity is strength
All madness, no method
We are mourning for America
We are grieving for our democracy
The whole world is watching
Un-president him!
He’s an incompetent TYRANT
59 Sassy Slogan & Sign Ideas from Bust Magazine
1. Can’t back down, won’t back down
2. Hear me roar!
3. Not going back
4. My body, my choice
5. Not the boss of me
6. My pussy bites
7. Free Ivanka!
8. Free Melania!
9. Shut up, Trump and make me a sandwich
10. Small hands, big loser
11. The biggest loser
12. Utereses before duderuses
13. Ovaries before brovaries
14. Bossy women rule
15. Trump: Delete your account
16. Fight like a girl
17. Keep your filthy paws off my silky drawers!
18. Girls just want to have fun-damental human rights
19. Girls just want to have fun-ding for Planned Parenthood
20. Females are strong as hell
21. Bitches get stuff done
22. Revolution grrrl style now!
23. STFU Trump
24. Small hands, small mind
25. Just try grabbing this
26. Girls to the front
27. Women – you can’t beat ’em!
28. Ready to #slay!
29. Women are here to #slay.
30. We’re here to slay!
31. Don’t obey — slay!
32. Women won’t obey — we slay
33. Okay ladies, let’s get INFORMATION
34. I can’t fucking believe I’m still protesting this shit
35. Stop the war on women
36. No war on women
37. Real men don’t grab pussies
38. Real men get consent
39. You can’t handle the truth
40. Today we smash the patriarchy
41. Here to smash the patriarchy
42. Ask me about my feminist agenda
43. Smashing the patriarchy is my bae
44. Trump is not my bae
45. Smashing trumpkins
46. Trumplethinskin
47. No uterus, no opinion
48. Raise your voice — support choice
49. Our future, our choice, our fight
50. Against abortion? Don’t have one
52. Women’s rights is my bae
53. TRUMP: Take a seat
54. Everything he knows about women can fit in palms of his tiny hands
55. Trump is maybe a 6 — tops!
56. Loud-mouthed women against small-handed men!
57. Sexism has no place in the White House
58. Sexism is for pussies
59. Trump is a big pussy
And yet more still…
I’d Rather Be Screaming Into the Void
Listen to Leo: Climate Change Is Real
My body, my choice, my insatiable thirst for revenge
I Want Substantive Change But Will Settle for You Not Killing Us
Rude of You to Have Made Me Come Out Here on the Weekend
Tiffany, Blink Twice If You Need Help
Can U Not?
Snowflakes Are Actually Very Beautiful and Complex
Why Are You So Obsessed With My Uterus?
None of Us Were Rooting for You
Mike Pence Has Never Satisfied a Woman in His Life
If You Won’t Release Your Tax Returns, Release the Piss Play Video
I Could Be Sleeping But You’ve Forced Me to Protest
I’m Too Worried to Be Funny
Quotes from Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr
(some I shortened to fit a sign)
1. “We shall overcome.”
2. “Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can.”
3. “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.”
4. “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.”
5. “True peace is …the presence of justice.”
6. “It is not enough to say ‘We must not wage war’. It is necessary to love peace and to sacrifice for it.”
7. “The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice.”
8. “Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can.”
9. “”Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly.”
Please share your own ideas in the comments, and tweet these all over the place with the #WomensMarch hashtag!
WMW Slogans & Sign ideas in a handy, downloadable pdf, thanks to Rhea!
Photo credits: Rhea Beddoe, Barbara McAllister.
Want to find the image with the message: ‘ I would call him a cunt but he’s got neither depth nor warmth’.
It was on Facebook after the women’s March but I can’t trace it… 🙁
Wow, what a list! In times as dark as now, it’s important that we all mobilize and make sure our voices are heard. Protesting is our right, and I want to thank you for sharing these compelling slogans. If you don’t mind, I’d like to add to your collection. Here’s a list more protest slogans that may be useful: Protest Slogans